Hotels at Guajara Hotels at Guajara

west Santa María del Mar spain north La Costa spain Guainos Bajo spain nearest Gracia spain Guájar Alto spain south La Cuesta spain east Barranco Grande spain


General information - Location

Location in country Southwest
Location in EuropeSouth Europe
Coordinates (WGS84)Long: -16.3096,Lat: 28.467 marker
Elevation541 meter above sea level
Local time0:43:33am
At islandTenerife
Name province/region (Comunidad Autónoma)Canarias
Wiki-website Subregion (Provincia)Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Name Sub(sub)region - municipalitySan Cristóbal de la Laguna

Nearest 5 places
Placename Distance Direction
1 Gracia0.7 km EastNorthEast
2 Las Chumberas0.9 km SouthSouthEast
3 Geneto1.1 km SouthSouthWest
4 La Vega1.2 km NorthWest
5 Finca España1.6 km EastNorthEast

Nearest 3 capitals
Capitalname Country Distance Direction
1 Lisboa   Portugal1287 km NorthEast
2 Gibraltar   Gibraltar1311 km EastNorthEast
3 MadridSpain1725 km NorthEast

Characteristics - Physical Geography

The Atlantic Ocean is very close with only a distance of around 5 km (direction SouthEast). The nearest bigger lake (reservoir) is Embalse de la Cueva de las Niñas (0.6 km2 at a height of around 892 meter above sea level) at a distance of 89.3 km in SouthSouthEastern direction).

The nearest vulcano (within 50 km) is the Teide (Stratovolcano) at a distance of 38.2 km (direction WestSouthWest). The most nearby international border is the Portugese-Spanish border with a straight distance of 1245.5 km in NorthEastern direction. The estimated travel distance is around 1744 km.
Elevation around place: very low location (near sea level): 0%, low location: 12%, hill: 38%, low mountains: 49%, moderate high mountains: 1%, The hills are mainly southeastern orientated. The surroundings of the place is moderately urbanised. The most common land use in the area is urban.
Nearby scheduled flights are operated from (national) airport Tenerife Sur Airport (at a distance of 52 km and direction SouthWest).The closest smaller (subnational) airport is Tenerife Norte-Ciudad de La Laguna Airport (at a distance of 3.7 km in NorthWestern direction).

Landscape - Landuse (within 5km)

 Forest   0.4 km2 
 Nature   15.6 km2 
 Agriculture   28.3 km2 
 Urban area   30.9 km2 
 Infrastructure   1.4 km2 

Climate - Temperature and Precipitation

Location of Guajara in country Spain

Guajara at Physical map (height map)

Tourist information - Travel Guide

Nearest 3 UNESCO-sites
Name Country Distance Direction
1 San Cristóbal de La LagunaSpain1.2 km North
2 Teide National ParkSpain38 km WestSouthWest
3 Risco Caido and the Sacred Mountains of Gran Canaria Cultural LandscapeSpain82 km SouthEast

Nearest Natura2000-area
Sitename Country Distance Direction
AnagaES5 km EastNorthEast

Social media - Maps

Youtube filmpje van GuajaraVideo's op youtube van Guajara
Vimeo GuajaraVideo's op Vimeo
TikTok GuajaraTikTok
Instagram GuajaraInstagram
flickr foto's en afbeeldingen van GuajaraFlickr
IMDB Guajara Filming Location IMDB Guajara
TikTok GuajaraTikTok
Bings mapsBings maps

Relief: Altitude classes in percent (within 5km)

Relief: slope classes in percent (within 5km)

Current weather at Las Chumberas

Type of weather in Las Chumberasbroken clouds weericoon
Current temperature: 13 degrees Celcius
Rain last 3 hours : No precipitation
Wind: 5.81 mtr/sec (windforce - bft 4)
Wind direction: West
Air pressure: 1017 mb
Humidity: 87 %
Daylength at 23 January 2025:10 hour and 40 minutes
Sunrise :08:56 Europe/Amsterdam
Sunset :19:37 Europe/Amsterdam

Weather coming 24 hours

Las Chumberas - ES (longitude: -16.3096, latitude: 28.467)
Distance weather station to place (direction NNW): not known
12 degrees
1017 mbar
light rainweericoon
13 degrees
1019 mbar
light rainweericoon
14 degrees
1019 mbar
light rainweericoon
14 degrees
1018 mbar
light rainweericoon
14 degrees
1019 mbar
light rainweericoon
14 degrees
1021 mbar
light rainweericoon
14 degrees
1022 mbar
clear skyweericoon
13 degrees
1022 mbar
light rainweericoon

5 days Weather forecast: Temperature - Pressure and Precipitation

Pressure (mbar)
Wind speed (km/h)

Cloud cover %
precipitation (mm)
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