Hotels at Snodres Hotels at Snodres


General information - Location

Location in country Northwest
Location in EuropeSouth Europe
Coordinates (WGS84)Long: 11.5985,Lat: 46.6764 marker
Elevation1015 meter above sea level
Local time3:02:23am
Name province/regionTrentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Name SubregionBolzano#Bozen
Name Sub(sub)region - municipalityVelturno#Feldthurns

Nearest 5 places
Placename Distance Direction
1 Velturno1.1 km SouthSouthWest
2 San Pietro Mezzomonte1.3 km SouthEast
3 Caerna2 km SouthWest
4 Albes2.5 km East
5 Verdignes3 km SouthWest

Nearest 3 capitals
Capitalname Country Distance Direction
1 Vaduz   Liechtenstein167 km WestNorthWest
2 Ljubljana   Slovenia235 km EastSouthEast
3 San Marino   San-marino311 km SouthSouthEast

Characteristics - Physical Geography

The Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) is the nearest seacoast with a distance of around 152 km (direction SouthSouthEast).The place is situated in the rivercatchment named Eastern Alps. The nearest bigger lake (reservoir) is Lago di Fedaia (0.4 km2 at a height of around 2056 meter above sea level) at a distance of 31.1 km in SouthEastern direction).

The nearest mountain is Monte Villandro with a height of 2509 meter (at a distance of 14.1 km and direction West). The most nearby international border is the Italian-Austrian border with a straight distance of 34.3 km in NorthNorthEastern direction. The estimated travel distance is around 48 km.
Elevation around place: low mountains: 25%, moderate high mountains: 49%, high mountains: 25%, The hills are mainly southeastern orientated. The surroundings of the place have a rural character (very sparsely urbanised). The most common land use in the area is forest.

Name area (subregions, nature area, hills, mountains, landscape)
STS.16.III Alpes Sarentines (Alpes de Sarntal, AV*
SPG.16.III.A. Chaîne Hirzer-Jakobspitze (Punta Ce
STS.16.III Alpes Sarentines (Alpes de Sarntal, AV*
SPG.16.III.A. Chaîne Hirzer-Jakobspitze (Punta Ce

Nearby scheduled flights are operated from (national) airport Venice Marco Polo Airport (at a distance of 142 km and direction SouthSouthEast).The closest smaller (subnational) airport is Bolzano Airport (at a distance of 32 km in SouthWestern direction).

Landscape - Landuse (within 5km)

 Forest   38.5 km2 
 Nature   7.9 km2 
 Agriculture   29.6 km2 
 Urban area   1.9 km2 
 Rock-Sand   0.7 km2 

Climate - Temperature and Precipitation

Location of Snodres in country Italy

Snodres at Physical map (height map)

Tourist information - Travel Guide

Nearest 3 UNESCO-sites
Name Country Distance Direction
1 The DolomitesItaly44 km East
2 Benedictine Convent of St John at MüstairSwitzerland88 km West
3 Le Colline del Prosecco di Conegliano e ValdobbiadeneItaly94 km SouthSouthEast

Nearest Natura2000-area
Sitename Country Distance Direction
Valle di Funes - Sas De Putia - Rasciesa nel Parco Naturale Puez-OdleIT9.2 km SouthSouthEast

Social media - Maps

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IMDB Snodres Filming Location IMDB Snodres
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Bings mapsBings maps

Relief: Altitude classes in percent (within 5km)

Relief: slope classes in percent (within 5km)

Current weather at Feldthurns

Type of weather in Feldthurnsbroken clouds weericoon
Current temperature: 10 degrees Celcius
Rain last 3 hours : No precipitation
Wind: 0.59 mtr/sec (windforce - bft 1)
Wind direction: North East
Air pressure: 1025 mb
Humidity: 93 %
Daylength at 21 September 2024:12 hour and 14 minutes
Sunrise :06:59 Europe/Amsterdam
Sunset :19:13 Europe/Amsterdam

Weather coming 24 hours

Feldthurns - IT (longitude: 11.5985, latitude: 46.6764)
Distance weather station to place (direction N): 0 Kilometers

6 degrees
1025 mbar
broken cloudsweericoon
11 degrees
1023 mbar
broken cloudsweericoon
15 degrees
1020 mbar
scattered cloudsweericoon
13 degrees
1020 mbar
few cloudsweericoon
6 degrees
1022 mbar
light rainweericoon
5 degrees
1023 mbar
light rainweericoon
5 degrees
1023 mbar
few cloudsweericoon
5 degrees
1022 mbar
scattered cloudsweericoon

5 days Weather forecast: Temperature - Pressure and Precipitation

Pressure (mbar)
Wind speed (km/h)

Cloud cover %
precipitation (mm)
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