Hotels at Riobianco Hotels at Riobianco


General information - Location

Location in country Northwest
Location in EuropeSouth Europe
Coordinates (WGS84)Long: 11.368,Lat: 46.7708 marker
Elevation1380 meter above sea level
Local time3:04:52am
Name province/regionTrentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol
Name SubregionBolzano#Bozen
Name Sub(sub)region - municipalitySarentino#Sarntal

Nearest 5 places
Placename Distance Direction
1 Val di Mezzo9.4 km North
2 San Martino9.9 km SouthSouthEast
3 San Leonardo in Passiria10.4 km WestNorthWest
4 San Martino in Passiria10.9 km West
5 Colle11.3 km NorthNorthWest

Nearest 3 capitals
Capitalname Country Distance Direction
1 Vaduz   Liechtenstein147 km WestNorthWest
2 Ljubljana   Slovenia254 km EastSouthEast
3 Bern   Switzerland300 km West

Characteristics - Physical Geography

The Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) is the nearest seacoast with a distance of around 169 km (direction SouthSouthEast).The place is situated in the rivercatchment named Eastern Alps. The nearest bigger lake is Lago Lungo (0.2 km2 at a height of around 2376 meter above sea level) at a distance of 22 km in WestSouthWestern direction).

The nearest mountain is Monte Villandro with a height of 2509 meter (at a distance of 12.9 km and direction SouthSouthEast). The most nearby international border is the Italian-Austrian border with a straight distance of 21.7 km in Northern direction. The estimated travel distance is around 30 km.
Elevation around place: moderate high mountains: 7%, high mountains: 93%, The hills are mainly northwestern orientated. The most common land use in the area is nature.

Name area (subregions, nature area, hills, mountains, landscape)
STS.16.III Alpes Sarentines (Alpes de Sarntal, AV*
SPG.16.III.A. Chaîne Hirzer-Jakobspitze (Punta Ce
STS.16.III Alpes Sarentines (Alpes de Sarntal, AV*
SPG.16.III.A. Chaîne Hirzer-Jakobspitze (Punta Ce

Nearby scheduled flights are operated from (national) airport Verona Villafranca Airport (at a distance of 157 km and direction SouthSouthWest).The closest smaller (subnational) airport is Bolzano Airport (at a distance of 35 km in Southern direction).

Landscape - Landuse (within 5km)

 Forest   27.6 km2 
 Nature   35 km2 
 Agriculture   5.8 km2 
 Rock-Sand   10.2 km2 

Climate - Temperature and Precipitation

Location of Riobianco in country Italy

Riobianco at Physical map (height map)

Tourist information - Travel Guide

Nearest 3 UNESCO-sites
Name Country Distance Direction
1 The DolomitesItaly63 km EastSouthEast
2 Benedictine Convent of St John at MüstairSwitzerland72 km WestSouthWest
3 Pilgrimage Church of WiesGermany107 km NorthNorthWest

Nearest Natura2000-area
Sitename Country Distance Direction
Biotopo Gisser AuenIT0.8 km South

Social media - Maps

Youtube filmpje van RiobiancoVideo's op youtube van Riobianco
Vimeo RiobiancoVideo's op Vimeo
TikTok RiobiancoTikTok
Instagram RiobiancoInstagram
flickr foto's en afbeeldingen van RiobiancoFlickr
IMDB Riobianco Filming Location IMDB Riobianco
TikTok RiobiancoTikTok
Bings mapsBings maps

Relief: Altitude classes in percent (within 5km)

Relief: slope classes in percent (within 5km)

Current weather at Pennes

Type of weather in Pennesbroken clouds weericoon
Current temperature: 10 degrees Celcius
Rain last 3 hours : No precipitation
Wind: 0.77 mtr/sec (windforce - bft 1)
Wind direction: North North West
Air pressure: 1025 mb
Humidity: 82 %
Daylength at 21 September 2024:12 hour and 14 minutes
Sunrise :07:00 Europe/Amsterdam
Sunset :19:14 Europe/Amsterdam

Weather coming 24 hours

Pennes - IT (longitude: 11.368, latitude: 46.7708)
Distance weather station to place (direction WZW): 0 Kilometers

5 degrees
1025 mbar
scattered cloudsweericoon
10 degrees
1023 mbar
broken cloudsweericoon
12 degrees
1021 mbar
scattered cloudsweericoon
11 degrees
1020 mbar
few cloudsweericoon
4 degrees
1022 mbar
clear skyweericoon
3 degrees
1023 mbar
clear skyweericoon
3 degrees
1023 mbar
clear skyweericoon
3 degrees
1022 mbar
few cloudsweericoon

5 days Weather forecast: Temperature - Pressure and Precipitation

Pressure (mbar)
Wind speed (km/h)

Cloud cover %
precipitation (mm)
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